
6-Week Virtual Fellowship: Start Your Leadership Journey

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About the Fellowship

Designed to help young professionals bridge the early experience gaps between school and work and entry- to next-level positions, the Jewish Changemakers Fellowship (stipend: $350) offers personal and professional development through a Jewish lens, while connecting you to other Jewish professionals across North America.

The goal: help you explore who you will become as a leader in your communities.

Over six weeks of virtual learning, you’ll be introduced to new ideas, tools, and people that will challenge your assumptions and support you in your own personal growth.

Changemakers is the first step on a lifelong journey of building leadership skills and engaging Jewishly — and it’s your entry point into the Jewish Changemakers Network, where you can keep making connections and building on that work throughout your career.

Know a Jewish 21-27 year old ready to shape the Jewish future? Nominate them here.

Upcoming Session Details

Winter 2025 | February 11 – March 18  | Applications Closed

Applications Now Open:
Spring 2025 | April 22 – May 27 | Applications Close April 6
Fall 2025 | October 21 – November 25 |Applications Close October 5

Stipend: $350
See all session dates, times, and details here.

The Changemakers curriculum covers three key themes

  • 1

    Professional Development

    What do I need to figure out about myself to succeed?

  • 2

    Communal Leadership

    What does being Jewish mean to me? And how do I show up in the world based on my goals, values, and perspective?

  • 3

    Taking Action

    How can I make a real impact on the issues I care about most?

Explore the six-week road map

Here’s what you can expect


Weekly, live virtual Zoom sessions, where you’ll learn from speakers alongside hundreds of peers across North America.


Guided, smaller group Zoom sessions, where you’ll connect and interact with 8-15 peers with shared interests, led weekly by a Changemakers faculty member specializing in facilitation.


The chance to learn from your Changemakers faculty, where you’ll align and explore goals for your career, your Jewish leadership, and your personal growth.

Independent Study

Learn at your own pace! Access exclusive content, connect with your peers, and dive into topics such as exploring your values, finances, philanthropy, and mindfulness.

What Jewish Changemakers Have to Say

Want the Details?

  • Who is the Fellowship for? Am I Jewish enough to apply? What kind of experience do I need?

  • There are no requirements or expectations of Jewish knowledge or observance. Changemakers alumni come from across the Jewish community. You just have to be 21-27 years old, interested in further developing your leadership skills, and feel strongly motivated to improve our world as a leader in the Jewish community.

  • How much does it cost to participate in Changemakers?

  • Nothing! In exchange for your time and participation, you’ll receive a $350 stipend for the fellowship.

  • What technology do I need in order to participate? Do I have to keep my camera on for all the sessions?

  • To complete the Fellowship, you’ll need to actively participate in twice-weekly Zoom sessions for six weeks. We do ask fellows to have their cameras on during all sessions. (If you cannot turn on your video or need any other type of accommodations — please let your group leader know in advance. The application also includes space to indicate any accommodation needs or requests.)

  • What happens after the Fellowship?

  • When you complete the Fellowship, you instantly become part of the Changemakers Network, a community of more than 2,500 alumni across North America. In addition to personal connections and professional networking opportunities, the Network also offers special learning content, events, seminars, and ongoing leadership development.

  • I have a question you didn’t answer. Who do I ask?

  • Complete the contact us form and we will get back to you. Or you can reach out directly to Changemakers@JewishFederations.org